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Company Team 2024

Please read below all of the details required for the 2024 Competitive Season with Dance etc & to secure your Company T-shirt Order.

Company Agreement 2024




For accurate sizing, measure the width of your child's ideal fitting tshirt as it lays flat on a bench/floor. Your childs shirt should not be too fitted, these tshirts are meant to be loose and comfortable.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is crucial for your personal growth and our team's success. Please take note of our attendance policy: By enrolling in our Company class, you commit to maintaining a 90% attendance rate (max. one missed lesson per term) This requirement applies to all classes, including any rec classes you are enrolled into. In the event of an absence, please notify our administrative team in advance via email or phone call. Your proactive communication is greatly appreciated. Please be aware that failure to meet the attendance requirement may jeopardize your spot on the team. Consistency is key to your progress and our collective success.
COMPETITION & EVENT COMMITMENT: It is imperative that all Company team members are available to perform at all scheduled events. Please note that competition dates are subject to change with little notice, and we strive to communicate any changes promptly with our company families. Scheduling for competitions is completely out of our control, and we rely on event organizers to determine the timing. Our goal is to perform on stage in at least THREE competitions. Company is a team sport, and we deeply appreciate your understanding that every team member plays a crucial role. Attendance and participation in events are compulsory. The 2024 Season Dates include: Perth Dance Challenge: Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th August @ Newman College, Churchlands | Supreme Dance Experience: Saturday 14th – Sunday 15th September @ Newman College, Churchlands | Elite Eisteddfod: Friday 4th – Saturday 5th October @ Vasto Club, Balcatta (Last weekend of school holidays) | Cupcakes Concert: Sun 27th Oct 2024 | Jnr/Snr Concert: 22nd - 23rd Nov 2024.
FEES: Being part of a Company team involves additional fees, as outlined in the company information pack sent out in 2023. It is essential that all fees are paid by the given due date. If you require additional time to pay an invoice, please contact admin to set up a Payment Plan. Accounts must be cleared at the end of each Term. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Company fees are non-refundable.
DRESS CODE: All Company dancers must adhere to strict uniform policies in classes and be neatly groomed with hair up and off the face. No watches/fitbits or jewellery. XLR8: Company Tee (or other Dance etc Uniform), Jazz shoes AND Lyrical Half Shoes (Minis & Petites = jazz shoes only), leggings or Shorts (ie. Activewear/dancewear etc) HIP HOP: Company Tee (or black t-shirt OR Dance etc uniform item), Sneakers, pants/shorts (no jeans) ACRO: Company Tee (or Dance etc singlet/crop/leotard), bike shorts or suitable/fitted activewear (no pants), acro grip shoes. TAP: Company Tee (or Dance etc Uniform item), bike shorts or leggings (activewear), Black Tap Shoes. ALL COMPANY STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A DANCE ETC BRANDED UNIFORM ITEM TO COMPETITIONS AND EVENTS FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES. THIS INCLUDES COMPANY SHIRTS, JACKETS/HOODIES ETC.
ACCEPTANCE: I, hereby confirm that my child, (name above) would like to accept their position in Company for the year 2024. I have carefully read, understand, and agree to the information provided above. I acknowledge that being part of a Company team at Dance etc requires commitment, focus, dedication, and a positive outlook from both parent and child. My child and I commit to being courteous and respectful members of the team in class, at events, and online.

Thank you for completing this form

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